Super Summer Bonus Sessions...and the winner is...

Is anyone else LOVING that the forecast for the next 14 days is all about 50s/60s and even 70 degrees???  I'll even take that rain over cold and snow!!!

You know what that gets me excited about as well?


Time to come out of hibernation and away from the cold weather sniffles....
time to put away the board games and climb on the bikes...
time to start trying on the shorts to make sure they still fit...(well, maybe that part isn't all that exciting...but you know...)

For many, family pictures don't come to mind until vacation time and/or especially in the fall (right before Christmas pictures have to go out!!)

Sometimes, that ends up causing a scheduling nightmare...trying to fit in start of school, soccer season, homework and cramming in a family photo session just when the leaves are turning colors!!!  (and hoping none of the kiddos are sick during your window of opportunity!)


Fall gets hectic...and believe me, I understand...trying to work around the weather and my own family's schedule and navigating all my beautiful clients schedules as just gets a little cray-cray! an effort to alleviate some of the fall scheduling stress...I've got a proposition for a limited number of families that want to jump on it...

The first TWELVE families to schedule a SUMMER FAMILY SESSION (In the months of June & July only) will be given a FREE mini session OPTION for fall!  

Being dependent upon weather, I can't guarantee a specific date in the fall just yet, but I am shooting for late September or October...I will set up "camp" at a specified location and quickly shuffle through those special 12 families from the summer (5 -10 minutes per family) in order to get them 2-3 high resolution images of their family from the summer (but this time, in fall outfits!!!)

In this way, I hope to alleviate some of the fall scheduling for not only myself, but YOUR family as well...It is not a MUST DO if you are one of the twelve families, but you will at least have the option then to have both summer AND fall clothing/background as a bonus for scheduling EARLY!

You will want to jump on the "first come, first serve" for those twelve families (now eleven)...because 

THIS FAMILY has already WON a spot & a discount from our Family Fave Contest!!! 

(Weather permitting!!!)

Schedule between June 1st and July31st
UNavailable dates as follows: June 11-June 21  AND July 3-July 10
Please contact to inquire about weekday or weekend offerings dependent upon the weather.

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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