Boys & their Dog

We had a yellow lab once...

a long while ago...

Her name was Bailey and we loved her...

She was the most obedient, soft & gentle and yet protective dog there ever was...

We went many years without a dog (nobody beats Bailey) and then we got Pippa...

Pippa is a "unique pup"...

Don't get me wrong, we LOVE her...we love her so much that we've invested quite a lot into her getting advice from OSU behaviorists & trainers...She's got some anxiety issues...and we are learning to love her in the journey...

All this to say...when I see the temperments of labs and their gentle natures, it makes me smile and I am so thankful that families get an opportunity to have pups like them...

I love this family...I love their spunk and curiosity...I love how they love their Momma...I love how they wanted to include their dog in their family pictures too! 

Looking back on all these images makes me long for spring and warmth and playing outside... 

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