Loving pups

Do you remember the first pet you ever owned?

I don't think that is something that people forget...

It's almost like a "first love" in a sense...

My dog's name was Sammie.  She was a "mut" of sorts that my dad and mom had found out wandering in a ditch.  She had been abused and was thing.  They took her in and invested into her heart & confidence.  When I came along, she became my fierce protector...

I have pictures of me sitting on her, pulling her ears.  My mom tells stories of Sammie always watching out for me and warning my mom if I got into things I shouldn't. She was a marvelous dog.

The first dog my husband & I ever owned was Bailey.  She was a yellow lab and the most gentle, kind-hearted, obedient dog on the planet!  She was greatly loved.  When we were in the process of selling our old house and moving, I couldn't bare to have to keep shoving her in the car with my 2 girls and driving around to wait until the "showing" was over for our old home.  And then, we had a building fiasco and had to be displaced for 3 months.  My dad graciously offered to take Bailey home with him to Michigan so she could roam on his acreage until we got into our new place....little did we know that he & my stepmom would fall in love with her and life with 3 littles at our house was too much for an aging Bailey...and so my parents kept her and loved her fiercely until she passed away...

Dogs become family...and you never know what you're going to get and regardless you love them.  We have Pippa right now and she's a handful...she's an anxious little thing and we are actually heading to a behaviorist at the end of the month to try to get some help in figuring out how to help HER...but no matter what, she's OURS...and we love her and we work with her (even if she acts more like a diva cat half the time!!)

The point is, if you have a pet, you know what I'm talking about...those animals are an extension of your heart...and so, it's a privilege to allow them to be part of photographing a family session...

They are characters in the "story" of your life..they are involved in many chapters of your narrative...and they have a way of bringing out personalities and hearts of other family members that few others can...

I hope you enjoy this little snippet of this family session...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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