I'm soooo cold!!!
I’m so completely cold and nearly frozen to the core in this lovely Midwestern state (remind me again why I don’t live in the South?) And therefore, I decided to try something different, to get the blood pumping…
This past year, I purchased some new software, new lenses…took an online class or two…I’m in a perpetual state of learning…and while I “think” I do a pretty good job of hiding it from all my wonderful clients, I do, at times, use y’all as my guinea pigs to get better at my craft!
I practiced bracketing, white balance tests, focal ranges, different lighting, backlighting, crazy angles, and at times, some little kiddos kept me on my toes trying to get those personalities to shine for mom & dad! I also delved deeper into photoshop skills & creating my own enhancing actions.
My bff from AMWeakleyCreative & I have culled through 1000s of my pictures from 2014. Looking for different shots…not necessarily the posed ones, but ones that I knew there was a skill that I was attempting to master…or a challenge that was presented and I kept at it until we got the shot. Other images called for different processing techniques and we chose a few of those as well. We narrowed it down to a few handfuls of “lucky” families…(I mostly stuck with families instead of adding in any wedding, newborn or senior shots because those are more controlled settings & stylized shots…and I wanted to showcase the candid “moments” of families & children)
From Monday, February 16th through Saturday, Febraury 28th, you are allowed to vote on your favorite image over on the CT Photo Memories Facebook page. You can get friends & family to come and like the CT PhotoMemories page, like the picture and even leave a comment. Full “rules” will be given when I post the gallery (in a few hours). The winning family will win a special discount certificate from me, to use for their 2015 family session. I wish I could have chosen one image from each of my over 120 sessions last year, but I didn’t think you’d want to search through that many…so Anne helped me cut it down to just a fortunate few.
So, let's have some fun, enjoy the memories of the WARM weather from 2014 and help someone get a sweet little prize!