Let It Go...
I'm not sure that I've ever had a busier summer.
That's a good thing, but it's new to me...
(I hope you'll indulge me here with a bit of a "personal" blog post)
You can find out all "ABOUT ME" in that little link bar above, but in case you want to know what I've been up to besides photo shoots so far this summer...I thought I"d just let you all in on what's been going on :)
We did manage to get to Florida with my husband's extended family. It was a wonderful time and I took over 950 pictures...YES...you read that correctly...and crazy as it sounds, I've already made & had printed an album for his parents as a thank you...I'm currently attempting to get a little video slideshow to share with you all...
but, did I mention that I've been a bit busy this summer so far??
Let me further elaborate :)
My middle daughter had a birthday in May...I just had her mini-sleepover-party LAST FRIDAY!
Isn't today July?
OH MY!!!
My youngest also had a birthday in June and I was determined to not let happen to her what I did to my sweet middle girl...besides, why not just group it all together and run full steam ahead while you can right?
therefore, my sweet little munchkin decided on a FROZEN themed party...and in true form...this Momma decided it would be "right up her alley" to not only organize said party, but why not just sew and entire Elsa dress while I'm at it?
(good grief, I know that I just bring it on myself!!!)
p.s. I also want to say a HUGE THANKYOU to all my clients who give me grace and allow me to be MOM first, even though it means having to wait a tad longer for their pictures :) You bless my heart!!!