FORMER CLIENTS!!! Can ya help me out???
Well, hi...welcome to 2012...
I know, I'm about 3 weeks late, but I suppose better late than never right?
I'm soooo looking forward to this year! My girls are getting older, we have some fun family things planned and I'm loving the continued opportunities that I am afforded with CTPhotoMemories...
Already this year, I've been able to purchase a new lens...which in turn allowed me to get some really insightful images during a business event...I've been able to photograph a sweet 3 month old and have had countless inquiries into "when can we book a session this spring/summer!"
I can't tell you how good it does my heart to hear that people cherish memories...that they want something special...that they are willing to save that extra bit of money and invest in something that they will keep forever...
I've been over the top excited about Snapshops and Click Its...sooooo many moms have received cameras and new software programs and are dying to figure them out...I have such a love for teaching and for showing moms how to capture their kiddos in timeless images...I've been there...I'm STILL there for heaven's sakes!
Anyhoo...Here's where I'm needing your help...even though $125 for a family session where you receive a CD of your images to use on facebook or email or blogs or whatever AND where you get a gallery set up so that you can order PROFESSIONAL prints for around the same cost as Costco or shutterfly AND where the composition of your photos are showing authentic connections, meaningful moments and memories caught for a lifetime...
I know that in this economy, it's STILL a lot of money for some...sometimes they need that extra "umph" to encourage them that it IS worth it...
Even though many moms (and dads) have invested "Mucho" moneys into a new DSLR camera for Christmas or as a "splurge" because of a new arrival to their family...they are nervous to spend that extra amount to "learn" it...and yet, the time that is wasted because you still aren't getting the shots you REALLY want...well, it's just sad:(
it's to THOSE people that I want to reach out!!!
You all know that I don't in "pay" for advertising...because of this, I can keep my pricing lower and still cover my expenses...because so many of you keep returning and spread the news...and for that I am eternally grateful!!!
As I look ahead to 2012, I'm doing some revamping of my blog and just some other things behind the scenes...I'd love to have some quotes, reviews, and even critiques (wink, wink) that will not only help me continue to better this business, but to encourage others to try!!
So, here's what I'm suggesting:)...Between today, January 24th and January 31st you have an opportunity to enter a drawing in order to "win" a $15 Starbucks card! All you need to do is the following:
*email me at with a review of a session you've had with me. It could be a family session, a newborn session, Senior session, Snapshop, Click It or even a wedding:) If you've had more than one of them, then write a review for each and you get entered for each review that you write. (that'd be up to case you weren't counting)
How was your experience, what were you happy with, what did you love, anything you wished was different??? ...please know that by entering, your words could be use as testimonials on my blog, etc.
In your email include the month/year that you had a session and type of session. Write: CTPhotoMemories Review in the subject line of your email just so that I can make sure I don't miss it amongst all the stuff in my inbox:)
On Feb. 1st, from all the entries, I will draw one name for the Starbucks gift card! I'll announce the winner here on the blog and on facebook. If you are chosen, all you need to do is get me your address so that I can send it off to you asap:)
***remember, please do NOT comment here or on facebook with your review...just send an email:)thanks a bunch! I'm so looking forward to "hearing" what y'all have to say!