Photo Exercise

So, for the past few days I've been glued to my computer screen watching an online workshop with my favorite wedding photographer.  When I say glued, I really mean that I've blasted the sound and tried to get a load of  laundry in, feed my Little Munchkin and down a few Pepsis along the way:)  All the while, I'm carrying around my notebook of which I have scribbled about 10 pages of notes...

I've learned soooo much and it's been such fun to listen to another photographer and to process new ways to sharpen my craft...

One of the exercises that was REALLY neat, as well as challenging, was to try to come up with 10 different styles of photos without ever having your subject move out of a 10 x 10 space. 

Seeing that I didn't necessarily have a wedding couple at my figure tips in the middle of the afternoon AND since I'm such an immediate gratification person, I swooped upon my middle child and came up with "almost" 10 shots before she discovered her scooter and had to run off...however, I must say, that we had some fun in the process...and it took less than 5 minutes!!!  woohoo...

It's exciting to begin to stretch your brain to think quickly and see the "art" in the environment around you...learning to stylize what you have is intriguing to me...I'm a "let's see what we can do with this Stuff" sort of person...(although you DON'T want to see my basement with that motto)  However, it is fun to work with what you have in photography and make it into what you want...

Here are the shots that I got... if you haven't noticed, I'm kinda counting on you NOT being able to count...
But, to my defense, I only had ONE subject, not two, to work I'm thinkin' that 7 different shots, in the same basic location, for a rambunctous little girl who wants to ride her scooter...that's not so bad right?

and with that, I"ll leave you with a rather "edgy" image that I caught right after she ducked into the garage to grab the scooter...don't mind the extra set of pink legs..that's just Little Munchkin waiting for HER turn next...

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