FAMILY SESSION: ties that bind

Oprah Winfrey once said, "You get in life, what you have the courage to ask for..."

They left family and friends and all they had known before in that state up north and traveled down to the good O.H.I.O to start a business...

it was fresh and new and exciting....and scary

But they had each other...

and they still do...and they KNOW that's where they garner their strength...

in the TOGETHER!

I love meeting up with them each year...hearing of their successes, their determination, their innovations, their drive...their commitment to integrity and honor...their loyalty to each other and the people with whom they serve...

They are now the owners of three local Goldfish Swim Schools  
and I get to say "I knew them when..."

It doesn't mean that life isn't BUSY and hectic...and trying to juggle businesses, school, sports and family dinners...well, it just makes for some hectic days and nights...

but, they steady themselves in the moments they are given...they know the value of each other and what truly matters most...

and that is yet another reason why I love them and why I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have to meet and serve amazing people in this community!!! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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