His mom describes him as her "HERO"

I only get a chance to spend a very short amount of time with my CT PhotoMemories that time, I'm gleaning basic info like favorite colors or future plans...but in the in between, I get to see personality, maturity, interaction...and quite honestly, you start to see the lens through which they see the world...

Riley is unique and strong and capable...he accepts the things we can't control and seems to step up with fervor to the things in which he can make a difference.

It was my JOY to get him laughing...he has a more reserved, introspective view into the world...which allows him to determine which things are worth getting into a tizzy over and which things to let roll off your back!

It doesn't surprise me that his mom sees him as a hero...

He embodies the character qualities of one that holds such a title. 

Congratulations Riley...hope this year is MARVELOUS! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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