InHOME LIFESTYLE: Two boys and a pup
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InHome Lifestyle
This little nugget is not my nephew...even though I DID become an Auntie again with the arrival of my baby sister's 3rd son just a couple weeks ago...
And since we are in this busy season of life with teenagers (not to mention a full schedule of photography sessions) I haven't had the opportunity to meet the newest member of our family just yet...
THEREFORE, when I had the chance to cuddle this little guy, my heart soared!
Oh the tiny toes and squishy cheeks...the big eyes trying to focus and the wonderful smell of BABY!
The last time I had photographed them with their firstborn son, they were in a different home and I was all confuzzled thinking "I must be losing it...this doesn't look familiar to me from before!" It wasn't until I arrived that they reminded me of that fact...
Their new home has a history and a story in it's walls and they are continuing the legacy...
I so wish walls could talk...that they could tell us of the baby cries and the toy cars that have raced along their sides...
Big brother is still getting used to his "role", but it will settle in soon enough...
brother are meant to be 'buds'...
he'll be the teacher of all things cars and trucks, Paw Patrol and how to be the loudest!!!
Yes, things will be hectic for a couple years as everyone learns the ebb and flow of a household of four...but, it's a journey, as is life as a whole...
This is just a snippet into their life...their new chapter...the story that will be passed down for generations...the pictures that will be shared with grandchildren one day...they'll remember their pup, they're recognize a painting hanging on those historic walls...they'll see the pitched roof and all the memories will flood back... tell a story...
of lives well-lived...