Let's just get it out there right here at the beginning...

"I love his hair!"

There...I said it...

Not many people can pull it may even make one stand out in a crowd...

but Grant...

he carries it with ease!

He marches to the beat of his own drum...which is really what we ALL should...

All of us, being completely and fantastically unique should learn the confidence to embrace it and be all that we're called to be...

Needless to say (especially if you scroll down and pay attention to Grant's expressions) we had quite a bit of FUN during his Senior Session...

it's not about posing and moving your head or nose in just the right's about just BEing who you are and being prepared for the moments and the conversation that naturally evolves...

Grant is hilarious and insightful...he's laid-back, but isn't holding back when it comes to laughing out loud!

The music inside him easily finds an outlet through all his talents and in just the way he's uniquely wired...

I think what impressed me most about Grant was the inner confidence, of which he was aware, that there is a purpose and plan for his life...and he knows that all he needs to do is follow the steps that are laid out for him, in the right timing...

I envy his peace, his inner-knowing, if you will.  He's going to lead a big way...because one can't help but follow someone with such pure conviction.

Congrats Grant...on a fabulous Senior year!!  It was a pleasure spending time with you!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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