FAMILY SESSION: There's one in every family
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family sessions
I look forward to their session every year...
for many reasons...
most of which revolve around the fact that they are fun, interactive, intelligent and super amazing to be around...
but there is ONE factor that trumps them all...
it has to do with their youngest son...
Now, don't get me wrong...I love all their kids...
They all are respectful and kind...they are interested in what I talk about...we chat about books and the topics range across the board...
but, the youngest...
he has a wealth of humor and hilarity that not only gives everyone the giggles, but it seemingly comes out of nowhere...
so we are often left doubling over with his antics!
This boy is going to make some girl very happy one day and until then, I have no doubt that friends will flock to him...
I recently had a talk with my daughter about "identity"...
So often we wrap our idea of WHO we are around how well we perform, or grades or job or whatever it is that become that "identifying factor" for us...
but, in reality...
even if you fail a test, lose a job, ruin the show, burn the dinner...
those things don't matter in the big picture...
because, we are MORE than that...
We were created for relationship...
The kiddos in this family have been taught that from day one...
Each has a unique perspective or "humor" to bring to the table, but the solidarity lies in the heart...
They look on little brother with smiles and acceptance...and he, in turn, pours his heart into them...
It's a beautiful thing!