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family sessions
It's been rather a special treat for me of late...
I've had sessions with families that have 3 daughters...most of these have been with ladies just a tad older than where my girls are right now...
The oldest in this family works/lives in D.C., the other in college and one in high school...
They are confident, strong young women...
I hope I don't "Look" like I'm starring too much or asking too many questions...
but, to be honest it's just heart-warming...
my girls love each other now...while under my roof, but I have no idea what the future holds or what twists and turns may bring us...
and yet, I watch these other sweet families who have maneuvered life's challenges along the way and seemingly have weathered them not just in a "survival" type of way, but thriving...
where sisters still LOVE being together...teasing and laughing and being silly...
where they aren't too old for hugs from daddy or goofy talks with mom...
This family was gracious enough to meet me half way on a busy Saturday morning whilst all the girls were in town...we had our fingers crossed for all the stars to align: good weather, dry ground, light traffic as they traveled "aways" to get to me...
I think it definitely paid off!