The Unexpected...

All the best laid plans...

with kiddos...they just sometimes fly right out the window...

this family traveled in from a couple hours out to visit family, specifically for this weekend so they could fit in a photo shoot...the clothing was chosen, the weather was great, not a rain drop in sight...the time was set and we were ready to go...


about an hour before their shoot, their oldest started feeling very much in fact, they wondered if they were going to have to leave and just cancel the whole thing...

Oh, the disappointment this Momma felt...all those best laid plans...

But, she's a mom of boys...those energetic, resilient creatures!!!

We scooted the schedule around just a tad and did  'watch and see' for a bit...

sure enough...he bounced back and we had a rip-roaring time in the sunshine!!!

You'd never know to look at him that just a couple hours beforehand, he was ready to stay in bed all day...but, he pulled out of it and we had a great time exploring and laughing and being together...

they don't stay this age forever...their smiles change, the squinty-cheesy grins fade to a memory...the desire to throw sticks and run without reservation...these are all things that change with time...

we can try for those "perfect" pictures, but often they don't tell the whole tale...the "being still and smiling" photos are just that...stopping and stepping away from the action...

those images "can" be sweet, but those are the ones that are just repeated year after year...

it's the catching them being the age they are in the moment, is what "story-telling" is all about...

I love when families not only recognize this, but value it...

they know their boys well...all the little quirks and snips and snails and puppy dog tails...

and it's a joy to watch them together!!

 thank you for your insight and perseverance this day...I'm so thankful we were able to spend time together once again ~Colleen

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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