My Life Group Girls

I can't believe I didn't blog about this...I think I posted the video on Facebook but I never blogged about it here!!!

For those that don't know, I lead a middle school life group at our church.  The girls have come for 2 years now, every other week to my home...we sometimes play games, do crafts, but often just sit and talk about life...we went through a book this year and the girls gleaned some incredible insight (along with me!) about WHO they are and how much they are valued by the One that created them...

We had an amazing year and since I'm also a "photographer"...the book title felt very appropriate and thus lent itself to an obvious photo shoot at the end...

It was AMAZINGLY much so, that we actually did it TWICE just to be sure that everyone could attend...and it propelled an idea in me...along with that love that has blossomed for this age group...just the idea that in this age of instagram and selfies...they are still girls that love to pretend and get glamorous or even silly...

We combined all that into our times together and I thought it would be fun to offer that opportunity to other Tweens too...what a memory and fun time for a group of besties to enjoy one another and showcase their personalities...

Check out the TWEEN session on the investment page for more information

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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