what to wear from a NONfashionista
the time that I get all anxious about what my family is going to wear for family pictures...
It really is ridiculous ya know...I'm a photographer for heavens sake...I should KNOW this...
but, here's the thing...I'm not all into fashion...I'm not all into spending a ton of money on outfits that look cute in a picture so that my kids can cram it to the back of their closet never to be seen of again because "It's too scratchy!!!"
Here's what makes sense to me...
I'll be honest...90% of my clothing comes from clearance racks at Kohls, Old Navy, Target or the GoodWill in Sunbury!! I'm not bashing anyone that purchase clothing at the mall...I'm just here to tell you that I don't have an ounce of fashion sense in my brain...
My sis, Tina, got all that STYLE stuff and I did not!
So where does that leave me? a photographer of families, no less?
Well...here's what I do...and maybe it will help you? I don't know...lord knows you can go to Pinterest and find the MOST adorable combinations known to man...and if you need a little push in that direction here's a search link directly there: PINTEREST
The most important thing for family pictures (for me at least) is to just capture their personality...
the pictures I'm going to show you are not the ones that are necessarily on my wall...they are just the "posed" ones to give you an idea of the outfits...the ones I have hanging in my home, are the ones where most of the time we're not even looking at the camera....but for "fashion" sake, I show you these...
I wanted to give you an idea of color combinations...With 3 daughters, my husband is definitely outnumbered and so I tried to coordinate how we all fit together. I'm not a big matchy-matchy person...probably because my girls are so drastically different in personality that I can't even fathom putting them in the same thing anymore...
With this first picture, I went with a basic black/grey and dark/light pink theme...we typically wear denim anyway, and my middle girl was totally into scarves at the time...so we just raided closets and found something that was close and somewhat in the same color family...(not my best hair year)

This one was fun because we based the entire color scheme off of my youngest, because she probably wore this shirt everyday that fall/winter...I had gotten new boots for my birthday that year and a teal cardigan...We just went with the whole "shades of blue" theme and threw in Lil' Munchkin's mauve stripe for fun.
This one was one of my favorites because I really wanted fall colors last year...and I knew of a spot where there was lots of yellow and orange...to be honest, I have no idea if grey tights match denim dresses, with yellow sweaters and brown scarves, but it's what I had...middle girl was into denim jackets, big time! My oldest wanted a scarf too and she's actually just wearing a sweater of mine that we pinned in the back (remember, I'm cheap) we mixed up denim, dresses, and even corduroy...
The fact is this...try not to stress about outfits themselves (I have to tell myself this too)...the fact of the matter is that it is YOUR family...everyone FEELS like they look good in their OWN thing..so let them SHINE...find a clothing type or a color or a hair accessory, something that somewhat pulls it together and then go with it!
Looking forward to seeing you this fall! I have no idea what my family is wearing this year...guess we'll just see what everyone has about a week before our session and we'll make sure we have FUN doing it!!