Goodbyes are hard
Goodbyes are hard...I'm sure there are some out there that would tell us all to buck up and be brave...and the life is about choices...and we're all out for number one...
the funny thing is though...we all have a longing in us...and we can try to fill it with more, more, more...but when it comes down to's RELATIONSHIP that is at the heart of our souls...
I mean, can I just be honest here?
I do get excited when I have the potential to get the latest and greatest camera lens..and the possibility of taking a vacation over to Europe would be AHHHmazing...
BUT, If I ever had to choose between 'things' and 'relationships'...I hope my brain would be smart enough to recognize that my heart just won't "function" properly without relationship! The kind of relationship where needs are not only met physically, but emotionally & intellectually too...
Where someone is there to cheer you on, to pick you up when you fall...someone is always on your "side"...someone is there to journey life WITH you!
This family had to make a good decision for their family, but along with that good decision, it meant that contact with some special relationships would be farther away than what they have been used to...
It's not hard to see the value they place on each other...I know they'd move heaven and earth for each other...and it's plain to see the bond that they've grown...
It's hard for parents to let their kids let their grandkids go...
but, I know it's only because they've invested so much of themselves into those "children" and vice versa...
goodbyes are hard...especially when relationships are so strong...
I wish you the best on your family's newest adventure! These bonds will not be broken :)