Chandler may have been the first Senior I've encountered that actually liked the pictures where his face WASN'T showing as his favorites...

Friends, this guy LOVES his music...and to him, THAT is what speaks to him...

And so...while my job is actually to showcase the CHARACTER of this STORY, I do also understand the importance of the details and the things that make those characters FEEL and SMILE the most...

Cuz, you know, I'm all about the meaningful, the HAPPY and the memorable...

So, we let his guitar and vinyls take center stage for a bit...and that's okay...

He's easy-going, compliant, kind and thoughtful...he doesn't take himself too seriously (although it might be a different story when it comes to his music)

It was a pleasure hanging out!

Congrats Chandler on a great Senior Year!!!  Can't wait to hear all that you'll be doing in the future! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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