FAMILY SESSION: Big Sister AND Big Brother...

Yep, they've got another cutie on the way...

and after watching them parent and raise the two they have already, I think they just need to have a boatload of kiddos!!

Families that are rooted in commitment, love, and most importantly FAITH...these are the environments that cultivate future generations of compassionate, generous, kind-hearted, adventurous, risk-taking, serving adults...and they do this well! It's not easy, the CONSTANT of  parenting...but it pays off in the end :) 

I love seeing them each year and I can't wait to meet their newest bundle set to arrive this Winter!

Congratulations and Job Well Done :)  

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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