Spontaneous Shoot

Friends are important. 

I don't make that statement lightly...

I also don't put so much stock into it that I feel as though it will make it or break it for you with regards to LIFE in general...

However, even Jesus had a core group of friends...sure, he had tons of "followers"...if he would have had social media platforms, perhaps he'd have tons of IG followers and lots of "friends" on FB...but, I'm pretty confident that he'd have his core group (as he did back then...remember the 12?) and then he'd probably be extra close to less than a handful of those (i.e. Peter, John, James...probably more like BFFs)

My point is, I DO believe we were created for relationship...and therefore, I say it again:

Friends are important.

My husband spoke recently at a youth function and he mentioned a quote to the students:

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" ~Jim Rohn

If this is truly the case, then I want the people that my daughters choose to hang with on a consistent basis to be people that share similar values, that encourage and motivate, that choose kindness over popularity...

I don't think I'm speaking of impossibilities or grandiose dreams...

I know that it's true in my own life...

Obviously, my husband is one of my "five"...and I find myself approaching decisions or situations and trying to process it through his perspective at times...though I am a TALKER, I find myself motivated to listen a bit more, because that's what he is like...

This doesn't mean that I or my girls DON'T spend time with people that are different than us...

that would be ridiculous...

how can you learn about the world around you if you just shut yourself in???...this is why I drive them crazy introducing myself to strangers, and striking up conversations with interesting people...

BUT, the ones that you let into your inner circle...the ones that become a part of your tribe....these are the people that you choose purposefully :) 

All of my daughters have done such a great job with choosing friendships...each one of their girlfriends are unique and bring special encouragement to my girls...this isn't to say that there isn't "drama" from time to time...but (knock on wood) it hasn't been drastic, nor consistent...teenage life is challenging...and they are weathering it well so far!

All this to say...sometimes, it's fun to showcase those relationships and personalities and interactions...

During Spring break that is exactly what happened...

it was a spontaneous shoot...a bit chilly...and produced lots of laughing! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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