InHome Lifestyle: CELEBRATION!
Celebrating milestones...
There is such JOY that comes when family band together to CELEBRATE...
The icing on the cake, however, is during those "in between times"...
where there is still gathering and coming together to say, "I'm here"..."I'm in this journey with you"...
I've known this small family since it's "creation" at the wedding of Jonathan & Nancy...
Since then, some family members have "gone home" and more have been added...
They have encountered deep sorrows and incredible JOYS!
What always impacts me about them, is their steadfastness and loyalty...
There is a deeper calling, a deeper understanding and focus on what is most important...
Oh sure, there's the CRAZY and the SPONTANEOUS and, I'm POSITIVE with little ones that there is the occasional, "OH MY GOODNESS I NEED A BREAK, PLEASE TAKE ME TO THE SPA!"
But, in the midst...
The underlying the steady flow of love that holds it all together...
They all gather for special milestones and the legacy is being passed down to the next generation...and though they may not understand the full weight of it all...these little ones know to the depths of their hearts that they are loved...and these loved ones just pick up where another one left off...
They are remarkable and inspiring and though we all are far from perfect, there is a comfort in the being vulnerable and authentic and real...because it means being accepted for WHO you are...
This little guy celebrated another birthday this past year...and though I'm just now getting to posting about his special day, it does my heart good to remember and to hold close that which means the most!