Christmas Card Drawing

Only 2.5 more weeks until Christmas!!! 

In my shameless attempt to get as many Christmas cards as I possibly can to fill up my wall with faces of family & friends that make me feel so loved, especially this season...I'm running my little drawing again...

If you remember last year (read about it HERE) I had a little drawing from all the people that sent cards that had sessions with me in 2015...

NOW, it's that time again!!!  I'm not as far with all my "projects" but I'm plugging along...

So here is the deal!

IF you had a session with me in 2016, and you'd like to be entered to win one of my "projects", just send me a Christmas card using one or more of the images that you received from your CT PhotoMemories gallery. (You can message or email me for my address) 

After Christmas, I will randomly choose a winner and then ship your canvas to you :) 

Currently, I have this one finished :)

AND if you see any from last year HERE that you think would be worth painting again, just let me know when you message me and I'll see if I can add it to my project list! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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