FAMILY SESSION: All Happy Smiles
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family sessions
I'm not a Baby Whisperer nor do I have any magical powers or secret tricks...
I come by my "crazy" rather honestly...
I could say I come from a long line of crazy, but I'm not sure my family would appreciate such a sentiment...
The truth is...the smiles you see in the images that I photograph are there not because I'm the "pied piper" of children...rather, it's because in those moments, when kids feel the safest in their parents' arms...when they are saying "watch me mommy"...when they recognize that it's not about a picture, but it's about having FUN...
THAT'S when they light up...
Sure, I act crazily at photo sessions and I try to "think like a kid" come up with ways to make our "walk" like an adventure rather than a studio posed session...
BUT, that's just the "outline"...
Families are units that don't include a photographer...I'm just there to guide and let the "magic" that is already present shine forth...
I don't think the smiles left big sister's face the entire time and little brother, celebrating his big ONE made it even more special!
I love meeting new families...watching the beginnings of each lifelong journey...