Hello Again...Again :)
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I shared in an earlier post a little about our family traditions as we started the Advent Season.
I know many will shake their heads at what I'm about to share...my closest friends & family will think I'm crazy...but,
here's the thing,
I NEVER imagined this life that I now lead.
My husband will tell you it's EXACTLY what he pictured, but me? nope...I couldn't have dreamed this up...
I know that sounds ridiculous to some, or maybe it sounds like I'm just trying too hard, but, my reality is that I didn't envision all this. There is a lot in my lifetime that I didn't envision or ask for...and when events occurred and pathways crossed, my future reality became something that I could never have foreseen for myself.
Why do I mention all this for a simple post about decorating a tree and cousin time pajamas?
Because Advent is also a time of reflection and hope and holding close the things that matter most...it's a time for incredible thankfulness for the gift of LIFE!
I have to remind myself of this...often...I tend to be extreme in my thinking and I have a battle with my mind daily...obsessing over silly things and NOT focusing on fleeting moments that really ARE most important! My brain works backwards sometimes.
And so, I want to remind myself to be so grateful for my family, my home, the traditions we make...our family is unique, just as every family is unique...I want my girls to recognize that and LOVE that too...not comparing or wishing for more, for an easy road, but, to know that no matter what they envision for their future (or can't even imagine yet) There is something & someOne worth the HOPE!
We chopped down that tree and drove it home in the rain. It took overnight to dry out so that we could bring it into the house. It was a tad shorter this year than our typical, but it meant that the girls were able to reach to the top to hang ornaments!
Anthony's sister travels in from down south and Nana gets matching PJs for everyone. Then they beg Uncle Anthony to throw pillows on them from the loft!
I'm thankful for these times together...for pure "IN THE MOMENT" memories!
I'm thankful for these times together...for pure "IN THE MOMENT" memories!