Twinsies :)

I don't know what it's like to parent twins. 
My brother's family has them...I've spent considerable amounts of time with them...I wonder if they ever feel like it's just a part of their identity?  I also wonder if they feel like they always have someone who will "have their back"?...
One thing amazes me however...whether fraternal or matter that they grew and formed together in their Mommy's tummy...they come out completely and utterly different...
same parents...same nurturing conditions...for heavens sake, same womb...and yet, here are these unique and wonderful individuals.
I've been taking pictures of these little girls since they were itty bitty...
and each time I meet up with them, I am amazed once again, at their unique-ness! 
Not only that, but I think it takes special people to be parents of twins...I think it would be hard not to just consider them "the same"...but time and time again, I meet up with parents of twins who have this incredible ability and insight and understanding that these little bodies are each one of a kind! 
I love spending time with them...I love listening to how much they've grown and how much more of their personalities are developing...AND I love watching their Mommy and Daddy interact with the ways that make each of them feel like their own person...
You all are doing a fantastic job!  What an amazing family!  I'm privileged to know you!


Anonymous –   – (25.9.13)  

Being one, I'm partial to twins! :) my mom always made us our own bday cake every year, that was special! On the other hand, we enjoyed being considered "one" even to this day. Really, it's a win-win :)

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