Gaining a Heart of Wisdom!

We had another SnapShop success today...

I can't tell you what it does to my teacher heart to hear it said over and over again during the course of this 4.5 hour class, "Ohhhh, I get it now" or "okay, the lightbulb totally just went off!"

I thoroughly enjoy teaching people how to use their cameras...I see sooo many people with the big SLRs...especially at classroom parties at school or on the soccer field...and more times than I can count, I KNOW they have it on AUTO...

So...who cares?  what's the big deal? The deal is..when you have your camera on AUTO and you don't have enough "light", that little pop up flash comes up no matter what and you often get blown out faces, shadows on the back wall and photos that aren't quite what you had planned...

When you come to a Snapshop class, you learn how to "control" your camera instead of letting the camera control itself AND deem what IT thinks is best in a given lose the "art" of the lose the ability to capture some emotion when you keep it on AUTO. Yes, you DO get lucky sometimes...

But, these ladies (and one gentleman) didn't want to just "sometimes" get it right...they came prepared to learn some tools to make their images tell a story, capture a moment, evoke an emotion...

and learn they did!

I even finally remembered to get a class picture!!!

My hubby madly cleans our house while I set up little touches here and there...

These were made by Sandy from her store on Etsy...see her things HERE

I had fun sewing the camera straps this time around...I had some real favorites in this batch...

Once again, my hubby comes to the rescue and prepares an incredible spread for the class attendees...

After they sit and listen to me talk and teach and talk some more...we get to actually APPLY what we've learned...

We go outside...then inside for indoor lighting...we explore different angles...

Had a husband/wife couple this time...they had literally gotten their camera in the mail less than 24 hours prior to class...they were troupers and caught up fast!

We had a marvelous thankful for all these friends that came today...Looking forward to seeing your pictures in the future!!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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