Boy times 2

My very first photo shoot I ever attempted was of this family.  They were gracious enough to let me run around after there firstborn and even let him splash in a mud puddle...all in the name of "capturing moments"!

Fast forward a couple years, add another little boy and presto:  we've got cuteness doubled and FUN written all over the place!

I love watching this Mommy & Daddy interact with their boys...

I'm pretty much going to assume that there is never a dull moment at their least if their photo sessions are any indication:) 

I'm excited to watch them grow!  I know that both Danny & Beth are going to model for them, integrity and strength...right along side all their fun and lovin'!  I love you all!!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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