You can't help but smile when you are around Tolan!

She is a SPARK of happiness that ignites when in contact with others. Her joy is contagious, but it's more than's her sincerity, her insight into others and her compassion for those around her. 

Laughter seems to come naturally, silliness is always at the forefront.  It disarms you and let's you know that you are accepted, just how you are.

And yet, coupled with those qualities is a fierce determination, a drive, a spirit of "I CAN DO THIS" that is inspiring.

This Class of 2020 Seniors has me all shook up...I'm either bursting with pride and gratefulness or I'm tearing up because of those same things...

Congratulations Tolan on a wonderful Senior year!  LOVE YOU BUNCHES girly!!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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