We hit it off pretty well.

I didn't think we'd have difficulty, to be honest.

Nick's Mom and I had been "chatting" via email for weeks and I was chompin' at the bit to meet them both in person.  Have you ever felt like you just "click" with people immediately?  

It was that way with them. His mom is fun-loving and dedicated to her boys. And it's evident that Nick has such a respect and love for her in return. 

This world will tell you that it's all about SELF, all about climbing your way to the top and to pay no attention to anything that stalls you along the way. 

What it fails to identify is that true LOVE and LIFE aren't measured by your success, your appearance, your popularity, your's measured in relationship.

Sometimes it takes an extra moment than what you schedule allows because Mom wants to fix your collar (what she really wants is to just look in your eyes one more time). 

Maybe it will slow you a bit because a sibling wants to tell you "one more thing" (what he really wants is to savor that last moment before you walk out the door whether he admits it or not).

Having the ability to discern, the mindset to be patient, the heart to show compassion requires a level of maturity that not many adults, let alone teenagers, have in their repertoire...

and yet Nick is already well on his way in that capacity.  

The days and months are slipping away quickly...graduation will be here and whether it's college or trade school or a gap year, the fact remains that nothing will ever be the same again...adulthood changes the dynamic of a home, and parents recognize this most of all.

Nick showered his momma with kindness and grace...and we laughed and joked...we CELEBRATED his Senior Year during his session...and they will have the memory of this day forever!

Congratulations Nick on a fabulous Senior Year!  I think you are great! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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