SENIOR SESSION: Madison Class of 2018

There isn't necessarily a "How to Aunt" book... 

Madison and I "entered" this big ole Italian/legacy-building/lotsa people family right around the same time...

I married in...

She was born in a month later...

As I was newly figuring out what it meant to be a wife, navigating a new city/state, making new friends, new job...this little bundle came onto the scene...

Bald as bald could be, she stole the hearts of us all...

I quickly observed that Madison and I, though different & having different life experiences, had much in common too...

Her love of learning, her love of books...her internal drive to do the very best at everything she tackled...her intrinsic motivation to make those closest to her happy...did I mention her love of books?...

these are just some of the things that I saw in her, even as a young child...I remember moments of thinking that I could claim her as my own with how I watched her process situations and knowing I'd be doing the same thing in her place...

over the years, experiences and relationships mold and change us...I've found that I've become more comfortable with my introverted side, and it has allowed me to sit and listen and watch, more than trying to get all my 827396349023849783489034 words out in a day...

during those observations, I've seen her grow...

she was already an old soul to begin with, but over the years she has matured quickly...

she loves fiercely & unconditionally on those to whom she belongs...she is methodical in her thinking and sets high expectations on herself...she has a barometer within that slowly measures her circumstances against what she holds to be truth. 

Because we share similar traits, I remember well, being in her shoes...on the precipice of the unknown future...the enjoyment of the moments, but the internal rumbling of decisions yet to be made and the angst of wanting to "get it right"...

She is the sweet girl that made me an Aunt for the very first time...and I love her. 

She's had a long, strenuous, filled-to-the-brim Fall season already...and we capped it off with a Senior Session to capture the natural, down-to-earth girl that she is! She humored me, following my crazy directions...and I think you'll be able to tell how much fun was had! 

Congrats babe!  You are amazing!!!  

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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