I'm not sure he will ever quite grasp his unique, blessed and precious place in this family...

to him, it's just normal...

just mom and dad, brother & sisters...

to THEM however...he is an unexpected, beautiful gift!

OHHHH how he is loved..doted on...accepted wholeheartedly...

You can tell, not just by his expressions (although, hello cuteness!!) that he brings some HAPPY to this family...but, you can see it in the eyes and faces of his parents and siblings...

They are excited for his's amazing to me how children can help us reach outside of find JOY in the accomplishments of others, in other people's happiness...we are given the opportunity to give generously of our time and energy...and in return we are filled up!

I know this last preview for this family is going to make you smile and give you all.the.feels!

Go give someone a HUG! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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