I tell my daughters all the time...

"these are NOT the best years of your life"

Yes, I know, it's all very encouraging... (insert eye roll)

Don't get me wrong, HS was/is fun...and LOTS of learning goes on...

but, I try to express to my girls that there is SOOO much more to come...

I say this because in these years, experience and knowledge is just starting...and therefore, when the other "yuck" stuff gets thrown in, because it inevitably will...bullying or failing a class or a broken relationship...

  it's harder to navigate and it feels like the end of the world...

but to remind them that there is HOPE...

that my "best" days didn't really come until I could fully realize them...after having to travel through some experience so that I could understand the true value of a life worth living out...

Zaida discovered an incredible program called HOBY that gave her the opportunities for which she longed...she's wise for her years...and she wanted something more to prepare her for ALL that is to come...

and it was life changing...

She is a confident leader...and yet, like us all, is still learning and figuring out where she fits into the large scheme of things...but she is open...

she is READY and WILLING...

I so enjoyed my time talking and laughing with her & her mom on our session...

dreaming about future travels...marveling at speaking events...empowered and motivated to not only impact her own life, but to all those with whom she comes in contact!!!

Congrats Zaida!! You are amazing! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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