InHome Lifestyle: COLE
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InHome Lifestyle,
My life looks so different than it did 15 years ago...
it looks different than it did 10 and 5 years ago too...
Bedrooms have been repainted and cribs are gone.
Playrooms have been turned into offices and homework rooms.
Bottles and baby dishes were given away eons ago and our cupboards are now filled with tall glasses and ceramic bowls.
My older daughters and I can wear each others' shoes and my youngest doesn't even need help tying hers any longer.
Our book basket is filled with novels instead of board books.
Gone are the super saucers, bouncy chairs and blankets...our family room only accommodates our bigger couches and end tables now.
The only chairs around our dining room table are the ones that were made for it...high chairs and booster seats were stored away long ago.
My point in all these details is that my "story" has changed over the years...
and that is the very reason why I love InHome Lifestyle sessions...
Photography has always been a "story" in pictures for me...
There isn't a better way to get to know the "characters" of a novel, than in their own home element...where their decor reflects their personality...where they are at ease in their comfort zone...
This little guy made his appearance during the month of December, just in time for Christmas! His daddy made bookshelves out of pallet wood with his own hands...his mommy lovingly set up his nursery to make it his special place...many hours will be spent in rocking chairs and on comfy pillows, cuddling and staring at their little miracle...
and over time...this too will change...
therefore, it is my privilege and joy to capture the moments from the show stuffed animals "having conversations" in the remember the tiny fingers and tiny capture unexpected smiles and heavenly snuggles...
It was wonderful to step into their season of life and be able to watch from the outside...their excitement and joy for their little one is almost palpable...there is a contentment and happiness that fills their home.
I know by looking through these images that you will agree :)