Merry gift EVER... I know that it's 2013 and Christmas has come and gone...
however, the memories and the feelings continue to linger on...
And in one cozy home, on the far outskirts of the city, there was a little package that arrived just before the magical Christmas day...and "he" created a little magic of his own:)
This little guy was due to arrive anytime during the Christmas week...and as anyone with family knows, when you begin the holiday season, you can pretty much guess that the words "hectic", "chaotic" and "busy" will be used in everyone's vocabulary for at least a month:)
And so, we just put it tentatively on the schedule that I'd be over at their home shortly after the little one decided to show up...somehow we managed to manuever through family gettogethers and holiday performances and we were able to squeeze in a few hours to capture these sweet moments...
I know that sweet posed pictures of newborns are depicts them in their innocence and the peace that surrounds them...however, I am still partial to those images that show emotion and connection between Mommy, Daddy and wee one:)
I felt so at home when I arrived...this little guy is one lucky fellow to have parents that are calm, easy-going and confident to take one whatever life may bring...what awesome role models he will have to follow...We talked and laughed and played with their sweet dog too...I felt like I was just hanging out with friends...(who happened to let me take a gazillion pictures of their newborn baby;)
So, with out further ado...I introduce this sweet "gift" from above:)