I received an email from a mom...
There are lots of different types of moms in the world. Some work outside the home, some stay at home (and work there too I might add:), some are sports fans, some are into pageants for their kids, others are up on the latest "green" thing and still others are just trying to make sure they get a shower once in a 24 hour period...
But, there are moms that I can tell within just a few seconds of "reading" an email or talking on the phone, not only their priorities but, where they are in their season of life..."B" has had 2 different seasons of parenting...with 2 older boys, one getting ready to send off to bootcamp.... but, she has a wee one too...only 1 year old...that's a big span for a family...but, with B, her love has never wavered...
The love she has for her boys is not only genuine and raw and just oozes from her being...but, not only that...the love she has for her husband...the praise and admiration she has for him is so evident that it is heart warming. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting this family...albeit the older boys had to be away for this particular session...we hope to meet up again soon to be able to include them. We were happy to be able to include Grammy and Grampy though....they jumped in to a get a few with their little grandson! And they "jumped" all the way from Nova Scotia to join us!!!
Here are a few of my favorites from our session: Be sure to pop over to the CTPhotoMemories Facebook page to see a few more as well...