He loves his jeep...and his sport...and his family...and his friends...

this guy has a LOT of love to give out!

Easy-going, compliant, confident, insightful, thoughtful...

these are words that I believe describe Brandon very well...

Even in just the short time that we all spent together, there is a maturity that is beyond his actual years...

I'll be seeing him again when he shaves his beard off...

but, we wanted to capture his WHOLE story, and this moment in time was definitely one he wanted documented...

It's such an honor to meet share just a sliver in their be a witness to personalities and relationships that have shaped them and will propel them in their choices for the future.

Sessions are picking up and my time spent shooting, running to HS events, editing and delivering galleries is kicking into high gear...

these sneak peeks help tide over my patient and ever-so kind clients ...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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