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family sessions
It was early was warm...and trying to wrangle 3 kiddos and a wiser, old pup whose hearing has left him can be a feat in and of itself...
but, to this's just the everyday...and they go with the flow!
What a pleasure to meet people who have figured out the secret of letting little things be little things...and not letting them become BIG things...
They have figured out what matters most and they major on THAT!
It's evident that their children enjoy one another...they show kindness and gentleness...because THOSE are the "courses" in that "Major"!
Can I just tell you that I 'bout melted when these little kiddos kept vying to hold my hand as we walked around this park???
They are every bit as adorable as they appear...I could have just kept taking pictures of them for hours...
but, in an attempt to keep poor Woody, the pup, from taking a swim in the water, we opted to wrap it up while we were ahead :)
I think you'll enjoy!!