SENIOR SESSION: Tasia Class of 2017

I would affectionately deem Tasia as "one tough cookie"
She's the kind of person you want on your side...
Now, she's not going to be the person that flatters your every move or butters you up and tries to agree with everything you say because she knows it will make you feel good...
 she's upfront & honest...and I think she'd probably be willing to chance anything for an adventure...she definitely strikes me as someone who is a risk-taker...
I undeniably admire this about her...
she has seen enough in her young life to know what is most value the high points, to not take for granted what you have been given and to give all you've got to pursue your goals...
These are lessons that don't come easily and aren't always executed perfectly...because, let's face it, we're all on this crazy journey and sometimes the choices presented to us are overwhelming...
 I thoroughly enjoyed our time together early last Fall...she had a goal in mind...I loved her vision.  She's wiser than her years, which makes time with her such a pleasure.
Congrats Tasia on your upcoming graduation!
I can't wait to see what your future holds!!!

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