FAMILY SESSION: all kinds of happy

Do you remember the song from Sesame Street?

That one sung by Bob about the "people in your neighborhood"?

I think beyond the fact that it takes different jobs and personalities to make up a functioning and efficient environment/lifestyle...The song was focusing on the idea of COMMUNITY...

to be surrounded by YOUR PEOPLE...

I'm reading a book entitled Tribes by Seth Godin

I like this idea of Tribes...probably because I've always had it inside me...this desire to be KNOWN, to be LOVED...

As a child it was an immaturity, a needy void that I sought to fill through people-pleasing and trying to do everything right!

A Tribe, in it's basic sense, is a group of people connected to one another, 
to a leader, 
to an idea...
and they have a shared interest and a way to communicate.

As I've grown and traveled through different seasons of life, I do still have that desire to belong, but I suppose I am more's not that I don't want to be sharpened or have differing opinions with others than "grow me"...but rather, I want to belong to a group that have the same goals, values...they see the most important things in life the same way that I do...

again, we may differ on practical things or ways of attaining those goals...but, the VISION is still the same...

I look at my photography clients as part of my tribe...

you all become MY PEOPLE!!!

The families that I get to interact with are all shooting for the same things that I value...
the memories, the meaningful, the captured HAPPY...

because life is too short, too complicated, too filled with unknowns NOT to stop and be so, so thankful for the NOW, 
for the relationships right in front of you...

This family came to me for the first time last year, and they are the epitome of the type of "tribe" that I envision us all being in. 

They laugh, tickle, giggle...swing, cuddle, squeeze...wear their shades, jump up and down...

This sweet gal ADORES her "job" as Momma...and her hubby adores her...

I love their natural ease with one another and in turn, I love to watch their teamwork with their boys.  

These are the people in MY neighborhood...the people that I want to meet each day!!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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