Spring is HERE!

Oh my heavens, the SUNSHINE...the FRESH AIR...
I am soooo ready for this!!!

Is anyone else ready to wear their white capris and sweaters?

I'm totally old school when it comes to wearing white in the Spring...
call it my bible belt upbringing, but this Sunday marks the cut off date...and you better believe they are getting a fresh ironing...

With that sunshine also comes a new chapter in the STORY of  YOUR family!

I'm not sure about you, but I'm finding out that the older my daughters get, the ridiculously more hectic our schedules become...

Because of this, I'm discovering that my time can be rather limited, especially when we eventually get around to the Fall Season...

In an effort to accommodate as many schedules and "weather detours" that may be thrown at us in this Ohio suburb...I'd like to encourage you to consider the potential of a Spring or Summer Family Session!  

The lighting is fantastic...the trees are a beautiful backdrop and if you are family that typically goes for the Autumn time frame for photos, this is fantastic way to change things up AND potentially free up that upcoming "frenzied fall"

You can sign up NOW to receive all the information on schedule & pricing for 
Family Sessions in 2017! (there have been a few changes)

I promise, it's just a sign up to get your FREE downloadable Session Guide! I won't be bombarding you with a ton of emails, except to let you know when my schedule is being sent out for Fall or if there are specific changes or special promos being offered. 

During the Spring/Summer, I try to accommodate all schedules, so I keep my Spring/Summer very flexible (weekdays and weekends). 

During the Fall, my time is more structured and only specific dates/times/locations will be available...that schedule typically comes out at the end of August.

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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