Remember When...

I was just thinking the other day about how I don't help my girls get dressed anymore...they don't need me to tie their shoes...they curl each other's hair (I may braid it from time to time, though)...

They read novels on their own, they make their own lunches, get their own snacks, take their own showers, make their own beds...

It would appear that things get "easier" the older their get...

However, I understand now that it isn't the case...

Good heavens are we BUSY...The emotional energy needed to parent at this season of life is completely different than the physical energy needed back then...the busyness of life is sometimes overwhelming and I long for those days that I'd put them in the bathtub and we'd splash and sing silly songs...

but those "connect the dots" moments that occured over the toddler years have molded them into what they are becoming now...

Relationships are truly what matter most in this life...
it's not about the matching clothes or perfect hair, whether your child gets all A's, is the most popular kid at matters not whether they have every electronic device known to man, nor whether they get to experience lavish vacations or a new car when they turn 16...

When it's all said and done, they become WHO they are based on the investments made into their hearts...the relationships built, strengthened, in and day out...the little choices, the little moments, the "time out" of the regular day to connect...

I love this family...I love their "cuteness", but I promise you, it's not about the "pretty" for them...
they are in this for the "long haul"...through the sleepless nights and the terrible twos or threes...

It's about being gentle and's about using respectful and sweet words of affection between's about holding close and soft's about allowing their children to be who they are, but shepherding their hearts if they start going off track...

I look forward to meeting up with them each year...It does my own heart good to see families with staying power...because let's face it...being a spouse and parent is everything awesome and everything "holy cow what have I gotten myself into" ALL.AT.THE.SAME.TIME.

They ROCK it, too...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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