Perfect Team

Over the course of the next couple months, I'll be playing "blog catch up"...

I enjoy this because it gives me the opportunity to not only reminisce and relive my summer/fall with these wonderful people, but it also gives me a chance to gush on them a little tell a story with pictures, but also share some other insights that may have been gleaned during our time together...

I will, from time to time, take the opportunity to interject some personal insights and things going on in my own family as well...because CT PhotoMemories is about relationships...and these families have built into my life...each year, meeting up again, watching children grow, interacting with parents and seeing LOVE in's inspiring and encouraging and helps grow me...

and for all those things, I'm thankful!

I'm reminded that even if you share similar DNA, the same parents, wear the same clothes, have the same "life experiences" are UNIQUE...there is NOONE just like YOU!

Isn't that amazing?  In all the earth, of all the billions of people that have ever been born, or will be born...there is NOONE like you!...

These twins couldn't be more opposite and yet they fit together like perfect puzzle pieces...

There is an ebb and flow with children...they don't necessarily recognize their differences but, they capitalize on their similarities...they look for ways to make each other laugh and smile...they want to CONNECT and so, they unabashedly give of themselves, are true and REAL...

These sweet girls aren't any different...I love to watch them interact...each adding to the other, so that they make this perfect little team...

I look forward to our time together each year! 

What a blessing!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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