Pleased to meet you
It's always a pleasure to meet new families.
When I started this business back in 2009, I had just a handful of clients...last year it grew to almost more than I could balance with volunteering at school, not missing my girls' sports & special event performances...but, the fun part about all the craziness is that I get to meet new people!
You've heard it all before, that I lean far to the end of the extrovert spectrum!!!
This family came with all smiles...
the whole time...
They are just HAPPY people in general I think...I had never met them in person before, but they conversed with me like we had been friends for years...
their daughter was such a gracious little lady...
their son was all boy, but eager to can see it in his little cheesy grin!!
Such personalities...such playful relationships...
I hope to see them again, for many more years to come!