Hannah: Senior

I tend to be quite loquacious...

Words are my friends and I like a lot of them!!!

And so, I find it quite humorous and ironic, but yet, completely sensible that my best friends (husband included) are rather introverted...they are listeners...

My respect for them is immeasurable...

Those with a lean towards an introverted temperament tend to be insightful and aware of the world around them...

It is a refreshing joy (especially for one as talkative as I) when I encounter seniors that have a penchant for observing, rather than matching me in colloquy.

Hannah is one such girl...

She has a soft confidence, that is only equaled by the strength of her intuition.

She is the type of person that I would have been drawn to in high school as someone I could trust, and depend upon...someone who is genuine and honest, but communicates with compassion & kindness.  Her smile is a representation of what is going on in her heart, rather than just showing up for appearance sake...

Her "REALness" is what captured me...

It's THAT quality that I wanted to showcase for her Senior Pictures...

She has gleaned much from her upbringing...she does her parents proud...

What an amazing young woman...

I am privileged to know her!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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