bored yet?

I often wonder, with returning families, if they get bored with the blog posts that I write about them...

I'm just a girl with a camera...who likes to talk opinion doesn't really matter a whole lot in the scheme of things...

And so, when I see families multiple times in a year and I write about our time together and the insights I have...I wonder if it's just "ho-hum" after awhile...

I'm not family, I'm not famous, I'm not a honored speaker or keynote communicator...I'm just ME...

I'm the one who receives the scribbled notes from baby soft, finger nail painted hands of the "big girl"...I get the drooly grin from baby boy who thinks my goofy voice & silly smiles are hilarious...I see the runs, skips & jumps from the endless energy of toddler legs...I watch the little minds spin with adventure when we happen upon a new setting for taking pictures...

I'm just an observer...a passerby...a whisper wind that just settles to watch or rustles around to capture a moment... (okay, you may not compare me to a "whisper" wind perhaps...maybe it's more like a magpie bird?) anyhoo...

I love that families return each year...and whether or not they tire of hearing my seemingly endless words...I DO love telling their story...

I've met some amazing people, that have turned into surprise friends...

I've seen this family since the very beginning of their daughter's life...I remember looking into those newborn eyes and contemplating what kind of little girl she'd turn out to many life happenings have surrounded her parents...and they've turned the sorrow parts into little joys in her life....she has a tenderness that is cultivated by parents that value remembering & holding onto legacies...little brother is already growing leaps & bounds...bonds are being formed & brother/sister roles are starting to take shape...

each time we meet up, a new little nuance or personality trait peeks out in our session time...

so, although I've probably said it a dozen times in all their other blog posts from past sessions, and whether or not they tire from hearing it...they are a JOY to be around and I'm so very thankful to have a small part in the story of their life!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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