Family Dynamics

Each family I photograph is different...

Yes, some of the "make up" is the same: mom, dad, 1 daughter, 2 sons OR all girls OR all boys...

It's not the "physical" differences that amaze me however...

it's the interaction...

In my family, my husband is an introvert...he's patient, calm, thoughtful
I am an extrovert...I'm spontaneous, haphazard, energetic
My eldest & youngest daughters tend to reflect more of my personality, whereas my middle girl is all her daddy...

I married my opposite and therefore, we have a certain "dynamic" in our home...

This "dynamic concept" is true for all families, I believe...and it is intriguing to me...

I meet families where opposites definitely attract, and others where their temperaments are a perfect match and blend...but the dynamic is still there and plays a big part,,,

This family is one where I perceived mom & dad being the quintessential blend for each other & their little ones...There home must be a safe haven of calm confidence and security...Their sons seem to reflect that very much...and their little girl brings that extra energy just to spice it up a bit :)

I can't tell you how much it thrills my heart to see gentleness in husbands towards their wives &'s powerful... This dad had a steadiness about him that allowed all the members of his family to be free to be themselves...and mom complimented that attribute with her soothing certainty.

I love this "niche" I have found with families...I love the observing interactions...capturing not just expressions and poses, but the connections, the affiliations with one another...

I think you'll enjoy these images that reflect just that...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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