Tireless Momma (and Dad)
perhaps that is the wrong blog post title...
I'm sure in reality it's more like "super tired"...aren't all parents of young ones?
But, I know that it is especially true of those incredible parents with children that have special needs. What amazes me, is that they never look at it like it's "work"...their unending love, devotion, tireless energy, commitment...I don't even have the correct words...
They are just amazing. Period. just plain amazing and inspiring and I wish I could bottle that perseverence and determination...because it's those incredible character qualities that are needed so much in this world...they are incredible examples of love, in it's truest, rawest form...
and yet...
they don't want the accolades that could be bestowed upon them...because they don't do what they do for a trophy or a prize...they do it because it's in them...it's how they are sewn together in their souls & hearts...
Just sharing a few pics of this precious family in between my Senior posts to begin 2015...