Snapshops and Mentoring are opportunities that I am passionate about...
I'll tell you why...
I spent a lot of time and MONEY on classes trying to learn my camera...and about 95% of the time, I DIDN'T walk away feeling empowered...sure I learned some things, but I didn't have the confidence that I would someday achieve what I envisioned...
Have you noticed how sometimes pictures look professional and others look like snapshots?
Obviously, some of that has to do with equipment (I talk a bit about that in my workshops, wink wink) but the fact of the matter is that a LOT of people are purchasing DSLR cameras these days...they are more affordable now and there is a "mom passion" growing out there that wants to document life in pictures!
The good news is that lot of photography has very little to do with the technical side of things and a lot to do with the the composition, use of light, design and color...
Some people call it having an EYE for photography...
And, let's be honest, for some, that "eye" just comes naturally...I have friends that can walk into a room and immediately know how to make it cozy and color coordinated or "feng shui" ... I'm not one of them, but that doesn't mean that I just give up...
When I first started taking pictures and even now at times, I would get frustrated and bewildered...I didn't want my photos to just look like snapshots. I wanted them to stand alone and tell a story...but, I just didn't know how to "frame" them all the time...
That's when I began to understand that even if it wasn't something that came naturally, it was something that could be developed (do you feel encouraged yet? this is the teacher side coming out!)
Have you ever seen those people that hold up their hands and try to "see" something in a frame?

I kinda used to think they were nuts...(or just trying to show off) but, what I now understand is that by taking a moment, to sort of "take in" the moment (whew, stay with me here) I force myself to ask questions...I must choose what to include in my "story" and what to leave out so that what is most important is "communicated" in the image.
When you first get that camera, you shoot EVERYTHING...and I mean probably just OVER shoot...ending up with hundreds of photos (and only a handful being worthy of printing) You CAN overcome just takes a conscience decision on your part...
Some people use their hands, maybe you'd rather keep a small frame in your purse that you could pull out and hold up to just "practice" framing up LIFE during the course of your day...
Picture yourself (no pun intended) as a storyteller instead of a photographer...think of the parts of a story (characters, setting, climax, details, action...)
We practice these types of "stop and choose" moments in my snapshop and mentoring classes...
I want to give you the tools with which to practice, so that you can learn to document your life in a way that makes your family, your kids, and even your future grandchildren, stop in their tracks and "read" your life story in pictures...
NOW is the perfect time to schedule a mentoring session OR inquire about a Snapshop class....before the snow all melts & Spring kicks into gear with sporting events and vacation planning! You want to be READY with your camera so you can document the STORY of your FAMILY in a purposeful way AND not be frustrated with "just getting a lucky shot" OR wasting time fiddling with equipment that seems foreign to you!
As an EXTRA: Due to Facebook's recent induction of the LIVE video...once you take a Mentoring or Snapshop class, you are automatically added to my PRIVATE Snapshop GRADS facebook group where I post LIVE videos and answer questions and help YOU become the photographer you've always envisioned!!!
Contact me soon!