FAMILY SESSION: Lotsa mommies
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family sessions
I have always remarked that I had more confidence going into motherhood than I did even marriage...
I know that sounds ridiculous at the onset, but hear me out...
I'm nearly 12 years older than my baby sister...
I never really dated in High School, and I can count on one hand the number of "official" boyfriends I had in college until I met my husband to be...
However, I had YEARS of taking care of my siblings...
I remember the days of cloth diapers and rubber mom had me in charge of my younger brother & sisters by the time I turned 12 for specific periods of time...this consisted of feeding, changing, reading to, dressing, playing with or rocking to sleep...there wasn't a "chore" that I didn't do as it pertained to caring for children except for when my sisters were strictly nursing.
Therefore, by the time I became a mom, it was the one thing I felt like I had somewhat of a handle on...
granted, I wasn't prepared for colic and the sleepless nights, but as an adult, you kinda put on your big girl pants and go to it :)
All this to was my absolute pleasure to watch these two big sisters with their new little brother...
ohhh how they loved mothering him...they knew just how to hold him, how to calm him, how to make him smile...
Their arms ached just to cradle him...
At the same time, mom kept a beautiful balance...she let them care and coddle him, but also let these sweet girls be themselves...she let them be little girls :)
I loved watching the dynamics in their family...their ease with one another...their banter and laughter...
Families come in all shapes and sizes...none are perfect...
however, I have found that in the little imperfections, in the uniqueness, in the ebb & flow of life...
this is where character is built...where relationships strengthen...and where hearts bond...
Beautifully said for a beautiful family. Grateful and thankful for all of them!