FAMILY SESSION: mansions in heaven :)

We cram a LOT into a little bit of time. 

We really only see G and Sara and their family about once a year...twice if we're lucky. 

When we first had our kiddos, I don't think we saw each other for years...we were just surviving through the toddler years...

and then, once the constant "physical" nature of parenting had lessened some, we tried to connect a bit more often...

the funny thing is, life just speeds up at this find that weekends are packed with soccer games and youth activities...weekdays are filled with practices, homework and "hang out time" for your teens...and let's not forget that you actually have to work in there too...

The point is, it is difficult to see friends and family in this stage of life, unless they happen to live right next door...which isn't the case for either of our families...

We try to text and keep in touch over social media, but as mommas, we are monitoring not only our own accounts, but those of our teenagers, we don't have the luxury of conversation and together-time too frequently. 

That's why, a few years ago, when it worked out to start sending our older girls to camp in order to hang out with the younger ones, we jumped at the chance to turn our camp travel into a spontaneous vacation time together...

and we've kept it up for the past 3 years.

Our entire families are only together for less than 12 before we ship off the older crew, we try to squeeze in a quick mini session to document the year for them!

I can't say it isn't without crying from laughing so hard or ridiculous antics from Uncle G...but, we somehow get it done between our 7 hour road trip, dinner and repacking the van for the next day camp drop off. 

I love their family dynamics...I love their commitment to one another...and I just love THEM...all of them! I'm beyond grateful for a lifelong friendship...and I really hope God lets us have mansions next door in heaven :) 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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